"Good morning to Mr. Wong, Pn. Majinah, Pn. Gan, Mr. Chin, teachers and students. I am Mock Kar Wai from Lower 6 Kensett. I'm up here on the podium to humbly apologize to all Upper 6 students on behalf of my class and myself.
I admit that I have been arrogant in many way and that I have not paid the respect that all my seniors deserve. I'm sorry that I have been a bad influence to other Lower 6 students during the orientation period. I apologize for being rude to some individuals and that I've hurt their feelings. I apologize for the wrong use of language and tone while conversing with the seniors and made them feel threatened. I humble ask for your understanding and forgiveness. Please point me my weaknesses and wrongdoings, because I'm learning and I want to learn. Job 6:24 says:"Teach me and I'll be quiet; tell me where I have been wrong."
I also ask for forgiveness on behalf of my class for things which should or should not have done. I apologize for being rude while defending my class. I'll bear all responsibilities and consequences for whatever we have done.
I hereby thank Baaarathan & Sam Pui Kay for this wake up call. Please accept my humblest apologizes and may God bless you. Thank you and enjoy the day."
Prepared by Mock Kar Wai,
Editted by Pn. Gan Swee Peng.
Editted by Pn. Gan Swee Peng.
This speech was not presented during assembly last Thursday. He asked for a chance to present this speech from Pn. Gan and he was permitted to do so. However, the speech was stopped in time by Form 6 Society. Thank God it was not released as it might cause more problem than before.
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